Atkinson Pool

City of Windsor

City of Windsor

Welcome to an exciting line up of programs for recreation, leisure and active living pursuits. You will see some of your old favourites along with some new programs. Programs and events will be added throughout the fall so be sure to stay up to date through Facebook announcements.

Everyone is Welcome!

Accessible leisure services are essential to a person’s quality of life. Those who require support are encouraged to participate in all programs and services offered by the Windsor Recreation Department. If you or a family member requires support to be involved in our programs do not hesitate to contact us. We will arrange to meet the family and individuals prior to the start of the program to identify appropriate program options and support necessary to assist the participant. We believe inclusion is a partnership between Windsor Recreation staff and families and that good communication is essential to a successful experience.

Fair and Safe Play

The Windsor Recreation Department is committed to the practices of “Fair and Safe Play” with staff, participants, parents and coaches. This respect and philosophy is reflected in our programs, services and those initiatives we support through grants.

Something for Everyone!

Windsor Recreation has opportunities for all ages to get active, have fun and meet new people. Windsor Recreation oversees a number of recreation facilities to be enjoyed by all. Whether you make your own recreation using our parks and playgrounds or sign up for structured programs at the community centre or arena, there are lots of ways to stay active this year.

*Please contact the municipality office, check its web site or Windor's  Recreation Programs Brochure  for further program information (registration dates / deadlines, payment options, forms, refund, withdrawal, transfer, missed classes, cancellations, etc), or the latest updates.

Registration Information

Online Registration

Please visit Windsor's Connection to Recreation.


Offline Registration

Registration will take place at the Windsor Town Office located at 100 King Street 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday and continues until the start date of each program.

Payment options include cash, cheque and debit.

For your convenience, you may download the registration form online from the town’s website ( by clicking on Town Hall, then Documents, then Recreation. Scroll down and you will find the form. Complete it and use the drop off slot at Windsor Town Office after hours to deliver forms and payment. Please register in advance as decisions to cancel a program due to insufficient registration will take place 3 – 4 days before the program begins.

For registration information call the town office at 798-2275.

For program information call Dianne Levy at 798-1162.

Other Locations

26 locations
26 locations