Le Club Child Care Program

Le Club - Ventura Park

Reviews - Le Club Child Care Program

Le Club Child Care Program

The Le Club community has grown to include 14 before and after school child care programs since its inception in 1994. The Le Club programs operate within the York Region community and are all operated as high quality living and learning environments for children aged 4 to 12. The name “Le Club” was chosen by a community based board and the children enrolled in the first program at Woodland to reflect the program’s pedagogical intent and to give the children ownership of their learning, their activities and their environment.

Child Care Licence

Sep 8 2009

Licence Status
Regular with Conditions

Legal Status

Inspection Summary

Visit Date Purpose of Visit Compliance Level on Date of Inspection Resolved Before Licence Issued
Dec 22, 2014 Licensing Inspection 97%
Mar 4, 2014 Licensing Inspection 94%
Aug 31, 2012 Licensing Inspection 100%

Areas of Non Compliance

Terms and Conditions

The licensee shall ensure that the Licensing Inspection Summary is posted in a conspicuous place in the child care centre at or near an entrance commonly used by parents. The licensee shall ensure that the completed Licensing Checklist and the Summary of Licensing Requirements and Recommendations sheets are readily available for parents.
Room 132 – 30 children, 68 months of age or over as of August 31 of the year and up to and including 12 years of age Or 20 children, 44 months of age or over and up to and including 67 months of age as of August 31 of the year
Room 126 – 28 children, 68 months of age or over as of August 31 of the year and up to and including 12 years of age Or 20 children, 44 months of age or over and up to and including 67 months of age as of August 31 of the year
Room 112 - 30 children, 68 months of age or over as of August 31 of the year and up to and including 12 years of age
Room 133 – 25 children, 68 months of age or over as of August 31 of the year and up to and including 12 years of age Or 20 children, 44 months of age or over and up to and including 67 months of age as of August 31 of the year
Room 135 – 25 children, 68 months of age or over as of August 31 of the year and up to and including 12 years of age
Room 106 - 30 children, 68 months of age or over as of August 31 of the year and up to and including 12 years of age
Approved alternative rooms: Room 116, room 147, room 109 - for up to 30 children each room Room 125, Room 122, Room 107, Room 111, room 142 – for up to 25 children each room Room 121, Room 140 – 28 children each room Room 141, Room 234 - 26 children each room Room 229 - 29 children, Room 228 - 27 children, Room 230 - 24 children and Room 127/gym 30 children or 30 children each side with the partition down

Director's Approval

Ministry Director approval is granted to permit mixed age grouping pursuant to section 55 (2).

Official Registration Information
Please check Ontario Ministry of Education for the official registration information. Use "Le Club - Ventura Park" as "Name of Program" to search.

Child Care Capacity

Age Group Age From Age To Capacity
Primary/Junior School Age 5 yr 8 mo 13 168

Other Locations

13 locations
13 locations