Licence Status
Regular with Conditions
Legal Status
Inspection Summary
Visit Date | Purpose of Visit | Compliance Level on Date of Inspection | Resolved Before Licence Issued |
Apr 27, 2015 | Licensing Inspection | 96% | Yes |
Jul 17, 2014 | Licensing Inspection | 93% | Yes |
Aug 13, 2013 | Licensing Inspection | 96% | Yes |
Feb 21, 2013 | Licensing Inspection | 92% | No |
Areas of Non Compliance
Terms and Conditions
The licensee shall ensure that the Licensing Inspection Summary is posted in a conspicuous place in the child care centre at or near an entrance commonly used by parents. The licensee shall ensure that the completed Licensing Checklist and the Summary of Licensing Requirements and Recommendations sheets are readily available for parents. |
The operator shall ensure that the written plan for the daily monitoring of supervision of children and that the program staff schedule is followed. Record of monitoring to be retained on site and be available for ministry review. |
The school age and kindergarten component of this program is licensed to operate before and after school and full days on P.A. days and school holidays. |
The licensed capacity is based on the Infant room on the main floor for 10 infants; the Toddler room on the main floor for 15 toddlers; the Preschool 1 room on the third floor for 20 preschool children; the Preschool 2 room on the third floor for 20 preschool children; the Kindergarten room on the main floor for 15 kindergarten children and the portable for 23 School age children. |
The operator shall monitor the recording of daily/weekly flushing for lead to ensure it has been completed. Written record of monitoring to be retained on site and be available for Ministry review for the duration of the licence. |
The operator to develop and maintain a daily maintenance and safety inspection log. The log shall include a daily review of the storage of cleaning materials, other hazardous substances and any maintenance issues in all areas of the child care centre and outdoor playground area. The written log is to include who completed the daily inspection, all maintenance and safety items, a record of action taken, plan of action if applicable and date completed. A written record is to be retained on premise and available for Ministry review for the duration of the licence. |
Director's Approval
As of August 31, 2015, Director’s Approval is granted for mixed age grouping pursuant to ss. 8(2) and (3) of Ontario Regulation 137/15. |
Official Registration Information
Please check Ontario Ministry of Education for the official registration information. Use "Little Hands Children's Learning Centre" as "Name of Program" to search.
Age Group | Age From | Age To | Capacity |
Infant | 0 | 1.5 | 10 |
Toddler | 1.5 | 2.5 | 15 |
Preschool | 2.5 | 6 | 40 |
Kindergarten | 3 yr 8 mo | 5 yr 8 mo | 15 |
Primary/Junior School Age | 5 yr 8 mo | 13 | 23 |