Spartan Gymnastics

Spartan Gymnastics

Reviews - Spartan Gymnastics

Spartan Gymnastics

We offer a variety of gymnastics programs, including parent and tot, kindergym, recreational gymnastics, advanced gymnastics, trampoline and tumbling, sport specific conditioning, parkour, cardio and fitness, and more. 


After School Care (Coming Soon)- Children will be picked up from our neighbouring schools and walked to the gym to be taken through various gymnastics apparatus and on the trampolines, followed by a snack and a homework hour. 

Parent and Tot (ages 1-3) allows the little ones under the age of 3 to climb, bounce, swing and balance with the participation of the parent. 

Kindergym (ages 3-4) involves obstacle courses, introduces the little ones to basic trampoline jumps, front and back rolls, stretches, swings, balance and handstands. 

Kindergym (4-5) involves obstacle courses, introduces the little ones to upper limb locomotion, bar inversions, trampoline sequences and basic strengthening exercises. 

Recreational (5+) introduction to basic gymnastics skills: cartwheels, dive rolls, long hand swings, glide swings, trampoline front rolls, with intermediate focus on stretching and general conditioning.

Advanced Recreational- An intermediate level between Recreational and Novice. Previous gymnastics experience is required.

Novice girls - Intensive focus on stretching, handstands and specific conditioning. Skills of focus include cartwheels, beam cartwheels, dive rolls, back walkovers and front walkovers, front tucks, front and back handsprings. 

Novice Boys - Intensive focus on stretching, handstands and specific conditioning. Skills of focus include cartwheels, round offs, front tucks, back handsprings, long hand swings, swings to handstand, handstand holds and mushroom circles. 

Trampoline and Tumbling - Intensive focus on front tucks, round offs, front and back handsprings and trampoline sequences. Some light conditioning and stretching is present. An hour and a half classes are designed for athletes with past tumbling experience.

Acro- Tumbling program designed for athletes who are currently enrolled in various dance programs. Intensive focus on acrobatic skills that can ameliorate dance performance such as aerials, front aerials and back handspring step out. 

Cheerleading-Our introductory cheer program focuses on team oriented tumbling performance. 

Break Dancing/Parkour Stunts- Focus on beginer breakdancing routines and acrobatic tricks. Experienced athletes will get a chance to work on wall gayners, standing front and back tucks, flayers and freezes.

Open Gym- Gives an opportunity for experienced gymnasts over the age of 16 to utilize the gym to work on any skills of interest in a non structured but supervised environment. 

Adult Conditioning and Fitness - Involves an hour of a non-stop cardio and conditioning workout. Includes strengthening exercises such as tuck jumps, chin ups, dips, pike ups, back lifts, tuck holds, L-sits and handstand holds. 

Sport Specific Conditioning - Allows teams to work on their areas of weakness. Conditioning of upper body, abdominal and posterior muscle groups. Some stretching is involved.

Camps - March Break Camp, Summer (July & August) Camp, Winter Camp and PA Day Camps.

Gymnastics, rock climbing, trampoline, games, crafts and lots more. 


*Please contact the gym or visit its website for further details (schedules, registration, etc) or the latest updates.