Upper Canada Chorus (UCC)


Reviews - Upper Canada Chorus (UCC)

Upper Canada Chorus (UCC)

The Upper Canada Children's Chorus was founded in the fall of 1999 under the Artistic Direction of Brian Rawlins. Over the past 12 seasons UCC has grown to become a world-class choral institution. Over 400 potential choristers auditioned for the current season, and over 130 singers ranging in age from 6 to 18 currently participate. UCC ensembles have toured through the United States and Canada, including Chicago, Boston, Martha's Vineyard, New York, Montreal and Quebec, as well as international destinations including England, Ireland and Italy where they performed at the Vatican.

Choir Programs
First Chirp - JK & SK (ages 3-5)
"First Chirp" is a dynamic exploration of music for pre-school children (ages 3-5) and an accompanying parent (or arranged substitute). Experience the joy of music as we discover and create music together.
No evaluation required
Kokea - Grade 1-9
We recognize that schedules are busy, and not everybody has the time to commit to weekly rehearsals, retreats, tours, etc. Kokea is designed specifically for people who enjoy singing, would love to participate in major concerts, but prefer a more relaxed, cost effective environment.
No audition required
Viaje - Grade 1-2
Viaje embraces the unique ability of music to transport us to the experiences of other people.
Evaluation not required
Erudio - Grade 3-4
Evaluation not required
Minogi - Grade 5-6
Evaluation not required
Avanzare - Grade 7-9
Evaluation not required
Amani- Grade 9-12
Audition required
Chamber - By Invitation
Private Lessons - Piano / Voice
Private lessons are given weekly in 30 and 45 minute time slots. Private lessons focus primarily on technique, repertoire and if additional time is available, ear training and theory will also be covered
Intergrated Arts Curriculum
For the 2014/15 season we have planned 6 special INTEGRATED ARTS days (below). These classes are offered FREE OF CHARGE for all UCC registered choristers.
  • Taiko Drumming
  • Celtic Dance
  • Gecko Yoga for Singers
  • Yellow Submarine: A Beatles Art Odyssey
  • Show Choir
  • Expressively Speaking
  • BOOM
  • Face the Music
*Please contact UCC or visit its website for further information (fees, schedules, registration, etc) or the latest updates.


Thursday Evenings
VIAJE (Grades 1 & 2):         6:00PM - 7:10PM
ERUDIO (Grades 3 & 4):      6:00PM - 7:20PM
MINOGI (Grades 5 & 6):      6:15PM - 7:45PM
AVANZARE (Grades 7-9):     6:15PM - 8:00PM
AMANI (Grades 9-12):         6:15PM - 8:15PM


Other Locations

8 locations
8 locations